Brown Butter Banana Clafoutis


I made this for one of my IGTV kids club cook-a-long videos and it makes for such a delicious breakfast or dessert. The brown butter is incredible and adds so much flavour. You can add blueberries, blackberries or raspberries or even chocolate chips to the format. The classic is cherries and are also good when in season.

Click here to watch the full video.


Serves 4
40g unsalted butter
2 bananas, sliced in half and lengthways
2 tbsp spelt flour/plain flour/or blend 2 heaped tbsp of oats in the blender for oat flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
40g caster sugar
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
160ml whole milk
1/2 tsp baking powder (if using oat flour)

Preheat oven to 200 C degrees. Butter and line a 10 inch cake tin or small baking tray with baking parchment.
Add butter to a frying pan and set to a medium to high heat.  Melt butter and stir every few mins. Gently let it bubble until it starts to colour.  This will take about 2-3 mins and it is ready when gives off a hazelnut smell. At this point quickly add to a bowl and leave to cool.
In the same pan, add the banana halves, cut side down.  Add a pinch of salt and sugar to the pan. Fry for about a 1-2 mins or until they have gone golden.  Just cook one side and then carefully add to a plate. 
For the batter, add the flour, sugar, cinnamon powder (and baking powder if using) to a bowl and slowly whisk in the beaten eggs.  Add a little of whole milk and beat into the mix until all is incorporated.  Then stir in the brown butter and vanilla. You can throw everything into a blender if preferred!  Pour into the cake tin and arrange the banana slices cut side up on top. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes or until the batter has puffed right up and the edges have gone golden.  Remove and serve with Greek yogurt and a light dusting of icing sugar.  This works well with other combinations such as cherries, blueberries, blackberries and chocolate. ALSO, its natural to sink a few mins after coming out of the oven.
