Socca Pancakes

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Socca is a delicious kind of pancake made from chickpea flour and water.  This kind of dinner makes for a great “taco-esque” night as you can create lots of different toppings with cheese, roast vegetables and herbs.  We thought it would make an excellent savoury breakfast with avocado, mushrooms and a fried egg.

Vegan/ Vegetarian/GF/DF (depending on what you serve them with)

Serves 2 (makes about 4 pancakes depending on the size)


90g chickpea flour (sometimes called gram flour)

175ml cold water

1 tsp cumin powder

1 tsp turmeric powder (optional)

sea salt and black pepper

sunflower/ avocado oil for frying

In a large bowl add the chickpea flour and stir in the cold water getting rid of any lumps.  Add the cumin and season generously with salt and pepper.  Leave to rest for 10-15 minutes to allow the mixture to thicken.

While the mixture rests begin making your toppings. 

Set a large non-stick frying pan to a medium to high heat and add a tablespoon of oil.  Swirl this around the pan and use a ladle to make two pancakes.  It’s usually about 3 tablespoons of batter per pancake and leave them to fry until little air bubbles start to appear on top.  Use a frying spatula to carefully flip them over and fry for another minute.  They should be golden and a little crisp.  Continue frying until all of the batter is finished.  Serve with the toppings of your choice on top.  They keep well win the fridge for two days.