Sweet Potato Tortilla with Roast Leeks and Sage


I made this to cheer me up on a Monday lunchtime using lots of leftovers from the fridge.  Its pretty tasty by itself but you can also grate over some parmesan when it comes straight from the oven.  Serve it with a simple green salad for a yummy weekday lunch or dinner.


Serves 5-6


3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly with a mandolin to 2mm thick

6 medium free-range eggs, lightly beaten

1 red onion, thinly sliced

1 banana shallot, thinly sliced

5 garlic cloves, diced

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 medium leek, thinly chopped

1 tsp fennel seeds

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp dried oregano

Small bunch of sage leaves, roughly chopped

Small bunch flat leaf parsley

Sea salt and black pepper

Preheat oven to 190 and line a small baking tray with baking parchment.  Dress half the chopped leeks with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper until evenly coated and place in the tray to roast for about 10 minutes or until golden.  Then remove from the oven and leave to one side.

While this roasts set a 10 inch non-stick frying pan to a medium to high heat and add 3 tbsp of olive oil to warm.  Add the red onion, shallot and the remaing leek.  Fry for about 5 minutes or until they have softened and started to caramelise a little stirring all the time.  Finely chop up parsley stalks and throw them in with the spices, oregano and chopped sage.  Let all the flavours combine before stirring in the garlic for about 2-3 minutes and scrape everything into a big bowl.

While this cooks you can place a large saucepan of water to boil and salt the water.  When bubbling add in the slices of sweet potato to cook for 1-2 minutes until just soft.  Drain immediately and leave to cool for 5 minutes and then place into the bowl with the onion-mix.  Pour over the beaten eggs, season generously with salt and pepper and carefully mix everything together.  Avoid being to rough with it as the sweet potato slices are delicate.   Place the frying pan back on a medium heat and pour everything back in the pan cooking for about 6 minutes.  Use a spatula to loosen the edges and make sure they are non sticking and then place into the hot oven in the middle for about 8 minutes.  The top should be cooked but not too firm and so remove from the oven and use a spatula to free the edges again as much as possible.  Place a large flat plate on top of pan and use oven gloves to carefully but swiftly turn the pan over.  Remove pan and you should be left with the tortilla intact.  Serve hot or cold with a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley and the leftover roasted leeks and a good grating of cheese if you have it!

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