Manchego Mushroom Omelette

Manchego Cheese Mushroom Omelette

Manchego Mushroom Omelette

Have you ever made an omelette with manchego? This is a hard sheep’s cheese and it is made from raw milk so the microorganisms of the milk will ferment on their own. This means is should be a touch better for digesting, in other words, this cheese is good right?! It gives a nice salty creaminess and is perfect with this flavour combination. I used St Ewe eggs for this recipe which are on another level with the yolks! If you like this recipe and want more breakfast inspiration, check out my other recipes here.

Serves 1


4 medium eggs, lightly beaten together (season with salt and pepper)
140g mushrooms
1 garlic clove, diced
45g manchego, grated
2 tsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp chopped parsley
Salt and pepper

Set a large non-stick frying pan to a medium to high heat and add half the butter and olive oil. Add the mushrooms and fry for 2 mins before adding in the diced garlic and fry for another 2 mins. Scrape onto a plate.

Add the rest of the butter and oil to the pan. Pour in the beaten eggs and reduce the heat. Swirl the mix around and give it a shake. Cook until the edges start to firm up but middle is still a little gooey. Turn off heat and use spatula to make sure omelette is not sticking. On one side, pour over mushrooms, cheese, parsley and season. Put back on a gentle heat for 1 min and flip one side of the eggs on top of the other.

Slip omelette onto a plate. Add a pinch of salt, cheese and black pepper. Eat straight away!

Watch me make the recipe here.