Walnut Sage Pesto Pasta with Cavolo Nero

Walnut Sage Pesto Pasta , Roast Cavolo Nero for roxanne first live.JPG

A seasonal dish that can be adapted depending on what veggies you have.

Serves 2
200g cavolo nero / kale
170g broccoli spears, blanched
2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for serving
squeeze lemon juice
200g pasta of your choice

For the pesto:
130g walnuts, lightly toasted
50g bunch of basil
handful of sage leaves
1/2 tsp maple syrup
x2 pinches of ground nutmeg
Zest of 1 lemon and the juice of 1/2
1/2 clove smoked garlic / normal garlic
110ml extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
Sea salt and black pepper

  1. Add cavolo nero to a baking tray and remove the tough stems. Season in salt, pepper and a splash of olive oil and roast in a 190 C degree oven for 6 mins. Or until a little crispy.

  2. Throw everything for the pesto into a blender except a handful of the walnuts. Blend until smoothish and then add to a bowl. Crumble in the leftover nuts and check seasoning.

  3. Boil and cook pasta and then add to pesto and greens.

Nina Parker